Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tuesday 11/21 Parking Lot Break In

One of our neighbors had their car broken into on Tuesday night. The Parkridge gate opener and garage opener were the only items taken. With other items you might expect a thief to take left behind, the gate opener seems to be the prime target. That garage was discovered in the open position on Wednesday morning with nothing missing. Note there were no power tools or expensive items stored there. This seems to point at someone who lives here or visits frequently enough to want a gate opener. Let's all keep watch out over eachothers cars in the lot.


Anonymous said...

The really sad part about this event is that the person will probably also recieve a fine for their garage door being open.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the warning! By the way, I also saw a board member's car parked on a red curb this weekend with the trunk up--guess they found it inconvenient to load/unload from the regular parking spaces.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you filled out a complaint form for the car!!!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE fill out a coommunication form about the incident AND follow up with Julie to make sure something happens with it. Also, in the future, try to get a photo of the violation so it can't be denied.


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