Sunday, June 17, 2007

Real Estate Signs Missing?

wrxnut25 said...
I noticed today that almost all of the for sale signs in front of the complex are gone, does anyone know where they went, or why they were removed? I checked the CC&R's, and saw nothing saying that a full sized for sale sign was prohibited, so I'm a little confused, and needless to say, my real estate agent will want to know what happened to it.


Property Manager said...

I understand from Nancy with our management company that each of the realtors were asked to remove the signs. The CC&Rs allow for one For Sale or For Rent sign, but it does not designate where they can be. Sellers have been informed that they will be allowed to post one For Sale Sign and it must be in the window of their condo, not in front of the HOA. Section 2.4, Page 3
Nancy also thought that the only people who seemed to get mad were the realtors and the sellers, the homeowners who are staying seemed to be pleased.

Your Blogger, Howard

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see the cluster of signs disappearing! I think it looks super tacky and it would turn me off as a buyer. The Quailridge complex just to the south of us has the same policy: no for sale signs out front, only in/on the unit itself. And it doesn't seem to have hurt their ability to sell units.

Anonymous said...

It would be helpful if this policy could be spelled out in the next newsletter so that those who are considering putting their unit up for sale know exactly what the rules/expectations are.

Kirsten #56

Property Manager said...

With #4 now listed for sale ($305,000) I count 8 total Parkridge condos for sale. In the 10 years I've lived here I don't remember that many ever for sale at the same time. I'm not sure that proves anything except we are like the rest of the country with swelling inventories awaiting great price reductions!


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