Sunday, August 05, 2007

Close Your Neighbors Garage

I received a warning letter in the mail yesterday for my garage being open. I remember the day I came home from work a couple of weeks ago to discover it open. I was glad that my crummy old golf clubs were still there! Whoever took the time to make note of the "violation" could have simply been a thoughtful neighbor and closed it for me. I would close yours for you. Howard


wrxnut25 said...


I too have received, both a warning and a fine for this. My unit is close enough to my garage that if I mistakenly hit the button on the garage door opener from inside my home, the garage will open w/o me knowing it. I too would appreciate it if someone would have just closed the door for me.

Anonymous said...

I've been preaching that one for ages now. My garage door had issues with the sensors and re-opened after it reach the ground. I received notices and fines while I was fixing the problem. Always thought it would be easier for someone to close the door, or at least let me know it was open (happened late at night a couple of times). I did have 2 neighbors say something to me but someone else thought it was easier to file a complaint.

PLEASE try to close a garage door if you notice it open or at least walk by their unit and say something. Chances are, they don't know its open.

Tim in 40

Anonymous said...

I've had issues with my garage door also. The transmitter is very sensative and sometimes just handling it as in putting it in the map holder set it off. Also, I have seen the door close to within a foot of the floor and then suddenly reverse.

Unfortunately, for someome to close the door manually they must pull the release lever and then manually close the door.

I would'nt expect everyone to know how to do this and I would'nt expect a woman to try so my self defense is to watch the door till it closes fully and then not touch the transmitter until I am out of range.

Jim, 123

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the other garages but mine has a button you can press to open and close from the inside. I intentionally moved it near the front of the garage so it can be pressed just by leaning in. It's very easy for anyone to do.
I also watch my door close completely and remain closed before walking away, but like wrxnut25, my unit is close enough so that the opener being dropped or acidentally pressed can open the garage door.

Tim in 40


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