Sunday, January 31, 2010

Gates & Laundry Doors

An Email to Desiree,

I am concerned that there is not proper communication to our
community. Yesterday there was an event occurring in our community
that everyone should have been made aware of. Apparently the police
were looking for loose individuals most likely living in our complex.
Things like this that could be a danger to our residents should be
communicated through email and postings on the locked community board
in the laundry room that I installed just for this purpose. Also, we
have an official community web page that seems not to get updated.
Either it should be taken down or, kept up to date. Otherwise, the
announcements are misleading as to the current state of your

Also, I believe that matters like the one yesterday are a direct
result of our gate always being broken. Also, posting the fact on the
gate instead of a controlled forum such as the ones listed above, only
advises those individuals trespassing as to the current state of your
security. Maybe it is time that the gate are updated with a type that
is more suitable to the kind of use that they see.

Speaking of security, the two doors to the laundry room are not
secured. It does not cost that much to have two steel doors with
PROPER locks installed. We have been battling this issue for at least
4 years. They should just be replaced with commercial steel doors with
commercial locks.

I realize that this all costs money. We have a new budget for 2010 and
I am hoping that these kinds of issues are addressed. As a community,
we have an obligation to budget for and maintain the complex to a
standard that gives way to safety and to hold or increase property

Your company has done an amazing job thus far and has always responded
to any concerns I have had. I hope that your experience has an impact
on the residence, with moderate experience, that make up the board.
Thank you as always for your understanding and professionalism.


Kevin Sharp


Property Manager said...

What happened yesterday that the community should know about Kevin?

Unknown said...

4 cars were broken into.

wrxnut25 said...

About 10 vehicles were broken into. My understanding is that this is the second time in a couple weeks this has happened. I agree, the gates need to be replaced. It would probably be cheaper to pay for a security patrol service (at night only) than to continue to repair the gates ever two to three weeks.

-Greg #86

Kim said...

You don't know, Howard?

32 said...
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32 said...

Follow-up email to Desiree:


With all do respect, excuses do not make our community safer or more attractive. Please allow me to address each point:

The web site is missing months of data, specifically August through December news letters and meeting minutes. Additional community plans would be nice as well (ex. what are we doing with the tennis courts).

Not having control over individuals is a very vague excuse, much like "Use the out going mail box at your own risk." We do everything at our own risk and individuals can do anything they want. This does not stop us from having federal laws against breaking into and stealing mail. If the mail box is at our own risk, where is the sign saying "use the washers at your own risk", "use the sidewalks at your own risk". What you are saying about vandalism is, "live at park ridge at your own risk." That will not go over too well with potential buyers.

As for the gate being a privacy gate and not a security gate. Gates provide limited access for the intention of seclusion and protection of property, goods, and people. Just because someone can jump the pool gate does not make the pool gate a privacy gate and not a security gate. The State feels that our gate is good enough to secure the pool area from children, therefore, I feel that most residents would feel "more secure" with a function gate.

For years, the residence of Park Ridge have vandalized the laundry room door. Instead of building a better door, we constantly patch the problem. For years, that is exactly how this community have been run. As a result, the trees started falling, the roofs started leaking, the lighting electrical started shorting out, and on and on. We spend tens of thousands of dollars patching things around here. Things didn't start to turn around here until CMS came on board and the long standing board was voted out.

As a result from my last statement, I hope to see continued progress. Lets continue to make this community better, bring the value back up, and restore the amenities (such as a secure laundry room, working gates, pool, sauna, tennis courts, weight room, club house, landscaping, and more) that some of us spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for.

As always, thank you for your time,

Kevin Sharp

Anonymous said...

Running for the Board again, Kevin ???

Seems like you only got about 4 votes the last time.

Property Manager said...

As I've commented before, I'm not a fan of anonymous comments.

Regardless of your opinion on Kevin's initiative he has the guts to put his name to what he wrote.

I allowed the sarcastic sounding comment because it's is a legitimate question as elections are upcoming and he served on the board in the past.

Kevin, you were part of the past board that you also seem to poke fun at and that takes some humility.

I allowed too many aggressive comments during that previous board regime but some residents and tenants felt bullied and this was one outlet to be heard and vent their frustrations. There were also some horrifying comments written about that board and more specifically the past president that I never allowed/deleted.


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,... and Desiree,

This is Mark from #71. I was going over my "welcome Packet" and other lit I got with my Condo regarding the "Privacy" gate. I found it odd that I have never been told or have seen anywhere that the gate that I use a remote for to enter our community was a "Privacy" gate and not a "Security" gate.

After further review of my PARKRIDGE WELCOME PACKET I found that the gate in question has never been called or referred to as a "Privacy" gate, only a Security gate. Here is an excerpt found in my welcome packet on page 11:

[ Obtain a gate opener-
In order to obtain a security gate opener, you must submit a Park Ridge Condominiums
Communication Form* to the management company. Once your form has been
submitted, the management company will provide you with cost information and further

Obtain gate access for guests-
In order to maintain security integrity, the security gate does not offer an access code
option. All guests are required to call the resident they are visiting through the security
gate call box. When the resident receives the call on their home landline, they will be able
to speak with the guest and have the option to open the gate remotely by pressing 9 for at
least 5 seconds. In order for this to work, you must provide the management company
with your name, unit number and home landline number ahead of time.]

My favorite line is this: In order "To maintain security integrity"

Well I will be darned! I don't see any mention of the gate as it being a "Privacy" gate at all! Convenient that it became a PRIVACY GATE after 4-5 cars were broken into, including mine!

I'm not saying that we were lied to but I don't like being told something as if I’m ignorant enough believe the claim that the gate is called a privacy gate. I do dislike how defensive the HOA gets when anything horrible happens like when a gate is left open or a drain fails. Sh*t happens and it is unfortunate that these theft's happened when the gates were up. I just feel that the chances of a mass theft like this would have been greatly reduced if our SECURITY GATES were down at the time.

I do appreciate everything that our current board is doing to make things work around here, especially Sally- Again thank you for doing your best to sort all the crap we throw your way.

Kind Regards,
Mark E #71

32 said...

No E-mail Response from Desiree

...however, the gate works again!

Anonymous, even though I was personally asked to run for the board this year by a current board member, I will not do so. Consider this my gift to you, as I am sure you were one of those who pumped their fist in the air when the current board was elected when I was running. Make no mistake, I tell the board all of the time that I think they are doing a good job. Just because I have suggestions (which is more than I can say for you), doesn't mean that I am running for the board again.

If you read the message board archives, back when I suggested cameras for the laundry room (and now I suggest the gate as well), I said that I would not run again. AND I am sure that if I had gone around the complex with a team and specifically tell people to not vote for others and vote for me, I would have gotten more votes. I mention this because that is the method the current board used against me.

Also, if you (Anonymous) would like to run for the board, let me know and I will vote for you. Until then, I will vote for the current board. Feel free to stop me if you see me out walking around to talk about some of the issues you have with me trying to make a difference around here.

Mark, my truck was broken into last year, which cost my insurance over $10,000 to repair. I am sorry for your loss and only want to make Park Ridge a wonderful place to live. Thanks for your support!

Kevin Sharp

Homeowner of 20 years said...
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Homeowner of 20 years said...

In your cars they would'nt get broken into. Did you think of that! 5 cars got broken into but 132 did not, wonder why? They are smarter then you?
Besides they are stealing your gate remotes that SOUNDS!!!!!!!! like inside job. So I say to this board Thank You! and I tell them at they meetings I attend. If you ever went I could meet you.

Property Manager said...

I think there is some similarity between blog comments and road rage. People who would say "excuse me" for physically bumping into another person might raise their fist from the safety of a car.

Why not talk to each other as if we are standing at the mail box?

Kim said...

I just sent a Communication Form in to Desiree volunteering to get a Neighborhood Watch going for the community. How do you all feel about participating in that?

32 said...
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Homeowner of 20 years said...

Your right! Mr Blogger. Please remove my rude and on called for responses.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear homeowner of 20 years,

Nothing is as refreshing to me knowing that ignorance is bliss when things like this happen. I am almost certain that if your vehicle was broken into and it were revealed to you that the gate was a privacy gate as opposed to a security gate you too would want to check, in my case for peace of mind and clarification if this were in fact true. I’m assuming in your case by you calling me a dumb A**, you would try and find any way to blame Parkridge for the gate being open and your property being damaged. I do feel violated for the fact that my car was broken into but I’m pretty sure this could happen anywhere a bunch of cars are parked. I'm not in any way going to blame Parkride for this. It is unfortunate I had to find the contradiction to the purpose of the gate in Partridges’ own welcome packet (updated not too long ago mind you by the current board) It's horrible that when something like this happens everyone starts mudslinging. I apologize if I stepped on any toes or started a sh*t storm with my previous post. Oh and by the way, nothing was taken from my car except the life of an innocent window!:) and I also prefer to leave my Sh*t in a toilet not fling it at others in times of when we should come together as a community and do something to help each other out when our complex has had a break in or any vandalism. I appreciate everything the current board is doing for our community as well and would never lower my standards to call any one of my neighbors a Dumb A**!

Mark E #71

Never going to run said...

Sounds like your running for the board Mark E. #71.

I won't run like the rest of you, way too much work for me.

My care was broken into too! Thank You, but I didn't cry like a little girl.

It's nice to know all 7 of us read this blog.


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