Thursday, December 21, 2006


I got the latest newsletter in the mail today and feel compelled to comment about the outbound mail box. In 1996 I had some personal mail intercpted by an evil-doer who used my name, SSN and address and got herself a credit card in my name and proceeded to buy stuff and get cash advances to the tune of about $5000. I was not the only victim.
She was caught by the Postal authorities in 1997, and at her trial, it came out that this was not ger first offense !!! I know because I was there. Towards the end of the trial, she made a plea bargain and several counts of mail fraud against her were dropped and she was sentenced early in 1998 to one year in federal prison and three years probation. She was released imediately because of time served. By the time the story got told and re-told here at Parkridge, her sentence was up to five years hard time, but that is not true.
Anyway, if the residents want an outbounf mailbox, go for it. Just be careful what you put in there. And remeber that no lock is unbreakable and that the person who did this to me and the others STILL LIVES HERE.
I am going to continue to drop off my mail at the Post Office on the way to work.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know that information regarding the if ever/future outgoing mailbox! How scary is that?!

Anonymous said...

I got here about a year or so after you got ripped off. I know that one of the past board members wife was ripped off for about $15,000 also by the same person. I know it takes a while to get all the Credit Bureau's info corrected after something like that happens. I have to confess that I was one of the idiots spreading the "5 years hard time" rumor. Also, thanks for having the high class not to mentions the guy's name or unit number. You could have put that person's health at high risk.

Todd in 122

Anonymous said...

A friend had some mail stolen out of an actual post-office regulated, blue-metal outgoing mail box at her office in Fullerton. She dropped it in after the day's pickup so it was in the box over night. The thief used a solution to erase the ink on one of her checks and re-wrote it for several thousand dollars. So a further word of caution...don't drop off your mail if it is going to sit in the box over night even in a government issue mail box.

Anonymous said...

More Newsletter Issues.

The newsletter said that the Slab Leak Remediation Project was proceeding. It looks like the Board has decided to tear up the walls and ceilings in all 136 units rather than just dig a trench under the 34 units that have water mains underneath and replace the corroded water mains in place.

I know something about it because Ed John fixed a slab leak under my unit some years ago. I also had my shower valve replaced while he was there and the pipes behind the walls looked pretty good after he wiped them off with a rag. I seriously question whether it's necessary to go that far. Tearing out the walls and ceilings can't possibly be the only option.

The cluhouse and lavatory areas looked like Hurricane Katrina went through for almost 2 months after they started work. I talked to Sisco when he was putting up the drywall in the clubhouse and he said that he only gave an estimate for the clubhouse, not for the whole complex. A few blogs ago, Todd in 122 stated that he didn't think there was an actual project and that the clubouse was fixed on strictly a run-and-gun basis and was not a part of any formal project. My talk with Sisco would seem to bear that out.

Hopefully, the board will put a little more thought into the next phase of this project. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not willing to have my walls and ceilings ripped out and then wait a month to have them fixed.

Anonymous said...

So we have a known thief living in the complex and you are protecting this persons identity? That sounds like crap! If you are so worried then this person should be known, possibly made to move? Was this mailbox actually broke into, locks busted, what? or did this person just take your information and get money and what not? I have caught on three ocassions in the last few months people digging in my trash and I chase them out of here, don't know if they live here or what, its always an older mexican lady and two young girls. I submit that you probably got taken by your old trash or they broke into your unit and you didn't know it. I know a bit about id theft and usually what is in your outgoing mail is not enough. Perhaps if you are filling out a mortgage application, but that should be sent another way. Either way, bottom line is we are all at risk of id theft, thru internet, trash and mail. Are you going to hide from the world? Best you can do is keep your information close to yourself and if you don't want to use the box, don't. I guess it just makes me mad to know we have a known thief in the complex and you choose to protect him!! I had some stuff stolen recently and I bet it was the same damn person! I say tell us who it is so we know who to watch out for.

Anonymous said...

If the authorities deem this person fit to live among us, who are you to say she can't ??

And what EXACTLY do you plan to do with this info if you had it?

Anonymous said...

This is to the moron who feels this woman should be run out of Parkridge. First, re-read my initial blog comment. I was actually present at her trial !!! I KNOW what happened. You think I didn't go ballistic when she was released. The bailiff in the courtroom, the Postal Inspector, and the Federal Assistant DA said I better not retaliate for any reason because if anything happened to her, I would be at the top of the suspect list.

I stressed out long and hard about sharing my experience on this blog. A response like yours was just what I feared. I happen to like living at Parkridge, I don't have problems parking, my water works just fine, I don't give a rats' ass who's on the board or who the manager is, and I got to believe she'll get what's coming to her one day.

I got over it and so should you. If you really want to know who it was, just go to the federal office building in Santa Ana, do a little research, and make a request for a transcript of the trial. It's public information. Then you can put your butt on the line when you retaliate.

By the way, she just opened the outbound box because it wasn't locked and used a bent paper clip to pick the mailbox lock on the locked ones.

Anonymous said...

Who said anything about retaliation? I was just curious who I should be watching. I hate to say it but once a thief always a thief! People like that rarely every change. You are right though, all is public knowledge and I have started to look into it. So the box was left unlocked, well that was unfortunate. I also think that if someone was to pick the mailbox locks, it would be easy, so are you going to have your mail delivered to somewhere else??? This person may still be looking to get your mail. As for the moron comment, its so funny how tough people are on the net. Remember I might find out who you are too!! So you should try to be nicer, I was just asking questions as I too have been hit by id theft in the past and don't want to have it happen again. If we have a person like that in our complex, I wanted to know, but I can and will find out a different way. I think that you and Todd are giving this too much credit, someones health at risk, come on. Do you really think I care to do something to someone for taking someone elses stuff? Those actions would be reserved for those that dare to take from me!! Well this has been great, you should calm down some though.

Anonymous said...

I think there are people living at Parkridge that are much worse than panty thieves and mail thieves

Anonymous said...

I quote "Someone probably broke into your unit and you didn't know it" How does something like that happen ??

Anonymous said...

To anonymous that doesn't understand how someone could break into there place and them not know it, You must be the dumbest person I ever heard of. The black sheep in my family could come and go all he wanted in your house and you would know nothing of him being in there at all. You really have no idea how easy it is to get into a stupid little condo with no security at all. You should try to watch more tv get in touch with the world. Hell if I really wanted to I could go in and out of any unit without security here without anyone knowing it. Ignorance is a funny thing isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Yes, ignorance is a very funny thing. The question wasn't WHO could do it, the question was HOW.

Apparently, only badasses like you and your famuly could do it, discussing modern burglary techniques at family gatherings in between jail sentences.

So, please answer the question: HOW do you break unto someone's unit, rob them, and leave without them knowing?

Anonymous said...

HA HA. Maybe the tough guy ought to spend a little LESS time watching TV !!

Anonymous said...

I love all this pointless arguing. Do you really want to know how to do it? What type of security do you have on your unit now? None like most people here, I would just walk right in thru your damn cheap window, take what I want and clean up and lock up after I am done, that simple enough for you. As for anything else, hey, f you!! You know nothing about me or my family you want to talk trash, you want to act all tough. So easy from a keyboard isn't it?? As I read most of these posts I just laugh at how people act and the things they say. Maybe we all, myself included, need to not read so much into how something is said and just take what is said for face value, information only. To sit and pretend to know it all is just stupid, but I tell you this blogging stuff is just too funny how much you can get someone so wound up. I just sit here and laugh my ass off at all these fools so upset at this stuff.


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