Sunday, April 12, 2009



I walked past the pool this AM and saw the pool. Three things immediately came to mind:

First, algae doesn't grow that fast under the worst circumstances.

Second, the texture and the color are all wrong. To my eye, it's way too light.

Third, it's too evenly spread thoughout the pool. Algae growth usually starts in the deep end and then spreads out verically and horizontally as it gets worse over time.

Conclusion 1: One of our residents used some sort of food coloring or dye or something to get that water that color that fast.

Conclusion 2: It wasn't one of the usual suspects. Somebody with an axe to grind put some serious thought and planning (and money) into this. No punk did this.

I've lived here over 12 years and was on the board for eight. I've seen a lot of vandalism but I've never seen anything as despicable as this. I guess that as an association we don't have enough negative issues to deal with.


You should have had the pool drained the same week you decided to close it. Soon. This situation says more about our community than anything else right now and should be made a priority.

Furthermore, the ponds sould be filled in and the pumps and associated hardware should be removed. It was determined long ago that the long term root cause (pun intended) with the ponds is trees. The roots grow up and will eventually break through the bottom, no matter what is done.

A referendum was taken about 10 years ago or so, and two thirds of the community voted to have the ponds removed as they became unserviceable. The alternative is to spend tens of thousand of dollars every ten years or so for repairs. Two of the ponds have already been filled in. It's time to do the rest.

Todd in 122


Anonymous said...

I agree. Also to add to your suspicions the spa appears to be algae free??? I haven’t heard or witnessed any unusual activity around the pool, but it looks like a mosquito filled pond. I overlook the pool and this is ridiculous. This is becoming an embarrassment and very upsetting with summer coming.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Todd. I also overlook the pool and think that thing needs to be drained pronto.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one who thought something strange was going on. Maybe the pool will turn to jello if it gets cold enough.

This is for the person that did this. If you don't like living here at Parkridge because of the water or whatever, just leave. We all have to pay for your stupid joke. When the water gets fixed, this place will be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised at the reactions of the dirty pool. Why is it that no one can believe that a pool that is never cleaned will turn green. I want this pool drained and cleaned up. This needs to be done to prevent bugs and God knows what else from growing in there. This needs to be done! I will be contacting the city about this problem if it is not done ASAP.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I found this flyer on my doorstep.

“Algae grows in pools when it does not have enough chlorine or the filtration system has stopped working properly. Mosquitoes only need one inch of standing water to breed and turn into biting adults. Green pools are a threat to public health because mosquitoes can carry West Nile virus and other diseases that harm humans.

This paragraph comes from the following link:

Please check it out to learn more about green pools."

Anonymous said...

The person who left that on your doorstep was probably the person who threw thr dye or whatever it was into the pool and is trying to desperately rationalize his or her actions. They are also probably kicking themselves for not throwing the green stuff into the spa as weel.

If you read the different entries on this blog and actually take a good close look at the pool, only an idiot would think that was algae in there.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't believe that anyone put dye in the pool!!! It's completely the horrid result of NEGLECT!!! Our association completely ceased care of our pool as they have in most all areas of our complex. Someone is sure protecting yet another crummy management company by blaming vandals. I was told the pool would be brought up to code in April. I was understanding about the circumstances of that. But once again, we're let down and left to look at the disgusting result. The least they could have done was keep it clean with some chlorine in the meantime. Instead, the pool has now been added to one of the many embarrassments of our association dollars NOT being managed wisely. If I wasn't afraid of getting into trouble, I would jump the fence myself and add some chorine to the pool water since the people that are in power clearly won't do it. From what I have observed, Park Ridge is on a downward spiral getting ever more closer to being condemned by the Heath Department with a resultant risk of losing our homes completely. Is anyone else afraid as I am?
Remember to attend our association meeting this Thursday!!! Let our opinions and voices be heard.

Anonymous said...

I noticed new plants going in today. WHAT!?! Did the hot water get fixed? I still don't have hot water in my place. Why are we spending money on plants that did not need to be fixed. We can see that the association (in all its wisdom) decided that to make our places nicer was to install plants. NOT FIX THE HOT WATER. Did we come into extra money? Someone explain why new plants are being installed and the hot water is still not even being worked on. And by being worked on I do not mean talked about. I mean actually physically being fixed!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone actually thinks that was really algae growing in the pool. No water goes from being clear to lime green in just a few days. I think Todd and the other writers are absolutely right. The vandalism to the pool was clearly the act of a coward and will cost us all.

Anonymous said...

Rumors are toxic and this is one of them. Please contact the management company to confirm the facts, which are... The BOD renegotiated the landscaping contract for 12 months at the same rate as the past year. Due to ongoing issues during the past year, the BOD worked with the landscaping company and they agreed to give our community $800/month in plant credit for the 12-month contract. The BOD is using 6 months worth of this credit to address the most critical area in our complex. This means $4,800.00 worth of plants and labor for FREE.

Again homeowners, if you doubt things in our community research the facts by contacting our management company. Don't believe everything you read on this blog or hear in the community. There are disgruntled homeowners and renters, who want to create these rumors to put doubts in your mind.

Anonymous said...

This message is actually for Howard, the blog-meister.

You really ought to take steps to insure that each entry on this blog is signed. There only seems to be a few people with the guts to sign their names to their words.
Perhaps there's a way to force people to actually log on to the blog before they even start reading the comments, much less commenting on them. That would prevent multiple entries by one person with an issue. The reason for starting the blog in the first place has long since passed, and we all know what that was.

By the way. of the half a dozen or so people I've talked to about the pool (who are not board members), not one thinks that the green water was anything but the result of a cheap shot by some idiot.

Todd in 122

Property Manager said...

Good point Todd,
I intend to allow for the free flow of opinions and information however it is very possible that many similarly themed comments are from the same person. Of course, those comments all hide behind "anonymous". Since everyone must have a free Google account to log into the new "official" Parkridge site it makes sense to require the same here. I will delete those comments above now! Howard

Anonymous said...

Just tell me how you feel since my husband is a board member just like my next door neighbor did I respect her opinion about the board work but mostly because she has the guts to say it to my face.
Thank you neighbor.
Golda Norton

Anonymous said...

I personally saw the vandals who discolored the pool water. They did not use any dye, they used biological agents to inoculate the algae growth. I saw them myself and, they were bold and fearless in broad daylight..... I doubt that anyone will be able to capture and punish them though as they were not human. It was ducks who vandalized the pool with their feces..... Sorry to burst your little fear mongering rant but, the water was fouled by water fowl.....

Anonymous said...

I do not live at Parkridge. But, I am considered one of the world's leading and respected authorities on waterfowl feces and I would like to assure your residents that the discoloration of your pool was not due to duck excrement.

I have a PhD in waterfowl studies from Cambridge University in England, over 27 years of experience in collecting, studying, cataloging, and experimenting with specimens of waterfowl droppings from all over the British Empire, and am currently the Chairman of the Royal Queens Council for the Study of Waterfowl Feces. I have also published a 10 volume study on the topic.

So I speak from my extensive education and experience in the study of duck feces when I tell you that the assertation that ducks fouled your pool is absolute rubbish.


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