Saturday, October 07, 2006

Towed Teen

If you ever feel tempted to park in the red I may have some useful information for you. The phone number for Tows-R-Us is (714) 639-7877. Their address is 621 N. Main in Orange, Ca 92868. Go south down the 57, exit Orangewood and proceed a few blocks to Main. Turn left on Main and find them on the right side of the street. Their storage fee is $22 per day but I don’t believe they pro rate by the hour. Claiming your vehicle on a Saturday morning at about 10am is considered “after hours release” which comes with an additional $35 fee. Don’t put away the calculator yet because the “regular tow” is $82, then I am guessing that my son’s car needed a special dollie which falls under a $35 “tow dollie” fee. Total $174. My dear son’s logic was that he has parked in the red at Parkridge in the past and has not been towed. My advice to you is the same as to my loving son…DON’T PARK IN THE RED! To our Parkridge leadership I say keep towing the cars that don’t belong and those that are not parked properly. If you find there is no available over night parking then park on Rolling Hills. I have parked out there from time to time and have not been ticketed. I know people who have been's a bit of a crap shoot. You may call the Fullerton PD traffic division at 738-5313 to request an exemption. Below I’ve listed the city overnight parking code (2am-5am). Bottom line though, even if your exemption request is granted, you may still be ticketed. This tip was provided by Officer Boller. See code below.

Temporary Exemption
Property owners may be eligible for a “Temporary Exemption” permit for short-term parking deficiencies such as, but not limited to, emergencies, out of town visitors, or short-term construction (driveways, home repair, etc.).
The applicability of the requested Hardship Exemption shall be determined and approved at the sole discretion of the Police Department. Contact the Police Department Traffic Division at 738-5313 for further information.


Anonymous said...

You seem to have a lot of information concerning our community; I have just received my second violation hearing notice in two months (Prior to Rene taking the board I had never been fined), the violation states that I left my garage door open. I left the door open while my car was inside the garage and I ran back up to my unit to get something that I forgot to bring with me. The garage was left open for less than five minutes. When I received the hearing notice, I could not believe it, so I looked up the mentioned regulation in my copy of the CCR's and coulod not find anything concerning the issue. Is there a place that you can point me to so I can look up the regulation and mybe give me some advise on how to state my case in a way that keep me from getting another fine?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you bore witness to the nonsense that occurred on this blog before the Author edited them out, but I wouldn't expect Todd to respond directly any time soon. I've never seen such vile comments allowed on a blog by anonymous losers before. I've only been here 2 years and I rent so I'm really not familiar with the CCR's.

However, mt wife and I have seen Todd chatting with neighbors over his fence when I went to pick up my mail. So, why don't you just go over ask him.

Anonymous said...

If you follow the stories which appear in the OC Register from time to time, it would appear that a Board for any Association has a lot of leeway in it's interpretation of it's CCR's in that something doesn't necessarily have to be specifically in the rulebook to violate the spirit of the CCR's. The current Board seems to be exercising it's authority that hasn't been done at Parkridge before.

After reading the comments about welcome mats and towels being thrown over the walls, neither of which are currently a violation in the revised rulebook, I would think that the current board would see fit to excuse these violations until they can communicate exactly what the "new" standards are going to be.

No one should have to "guess" what the rules are. I would also point out that there are five board members, not just the president, so hopefully they are actually voting on these issues. We have three new board members since April, and I'm sure they could use some guidance. In addition, Diversified's management should also take some responsibility and make an attempt to guide our new board. I'm sure Julie is a Certified Property Manager and should know better if they are out of line.

I've been here (happily I might say) since 1993, and for those considering an insurrection out of frustration, I say have patience.

This, too, shall pass

Anonymous said...

If what you're saying is that the new Board should have given fair warning to the entire community before beginning a campaign to clean up the town, then I agree.

Anonymous said...

I was able to get an equity line lone on my condo simply by the evaluator walking in the complex, luckly during the afternoon when most cars were gone. He said no need to see the inside of my place and signed away complementing this community. I bought my condo 1 year ago and got the place appraised at $27,000 more than when I bought it by just a loan officer looking around. Hey I might not agree with the board, but as a home owner swing away and make my investment work for me.


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