Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Rogie Arellano - New Diversified Manager

Our new property manager from Diversified Real Property Management is Mr. Rogie Arellano. His email is rogie@diversifiedrealpropertymgmt.com.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you helpful blogger! It's wonderful to have you posting updates like this, the water, the pipes, etc so all 136 of us don't have to bombard Diversified, ProServe, etc with calls wondering what is going on. Any intention of running for the board in April??? You have my vote :)

Anonymous said...

yeah,I totaly agree with grateful neihbor.You have my vote too! Golda Norton in #126

Property Manager said...

Thank you for the kind words. For the time being I am please to be able to serve as a dispatcher of information. It may be more challenging to distribute information if I was to be involved in Parkridge politics but I do like to keep an open mind. Your Blogger.

Anonymous said...

Information update, in the board meeting that was held at the clubhouse on 1-10-07 Diversified owner stood up and said his company will no longer manage our property. I know he gave some letters to the board and said they have 60 days notice to take over or find another company to take it. What will this place turn into with no one to pay our bills and what not? I think they had enough of the complaints about problems as home owners we should take care of on our own. Or was it too much of Rene and his accountability sheets? Either way they are gone.


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