Wednesday, March 07, 2007

New Dues Payment?

Based on the way the first bill came from the new management company, it was due on March 1st for the month of March, yet I still had a balance due w/ diversified at the end of February as well. Has anyone else experienced this? Was diversified billing for the prior month while the new mgmt. company is billing for the month in advance?
Greg, unit 86

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The new COA bill is exactly like the old one. Last months close date was 1/22/07 and the due date was 02/01/07. This new bill from the new management company has a close date of 2/22/07 and a due date of 3/01/07. The association fee is always billed in addvance. Why did you owe for February?? If you have a blance due it should be reflected on your new bill. If you feel that an error has occured please call the new management company and report it. Hope this helps!!


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