Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Water Shut Off Today for #3000 Building":
Who Wants To Be On the Board
When I got the "Call for Volunteers" message, I thought I might go ahead and volunteer to be on the ballot to become a board member. I have a BS in Accounting, and I thought that maybe I could make a positive contribution to this community.
Before I did, I made a few calls to Diversified's team and spoke with a few long term residents here as well as 2 former board members. I wanted to look before I leap, in other words.
What I discovered was shocking. Not one person, not one, had anything positive to say about the current Board, or it's president, Rene Fernandez. The common thread that ran between all of the talks was that there was not one aspect of the management and administration of Parkridge that is better today than it was a year ago. I could go on for ages about issues like rule enforcement, the pros and cons (mostly cons) of the "communication form" and such, but I thought that most of that was subjective at best and petty personal opinions at worst.
In terms of money and financial matters, which is my area of expertise and has a direct effect on all of us and provides an objective method to evaluate the Board, the "previous" HOA Board had around $100,000 in reserves and operating accounts at the end of last fiscal year, March 2006. That's not fantastic, but it's not too bad either. At the end of the month in January 2007 the "current" HOA Board had around $35,000. This is NOT good.
Now I understand that we had the laundryroom/meeting building re-piped which cost over $32,000 between Pro-Serv and the drywall guy, and I assume that's where half the differnce in reserves went to. The problem is that it is the duty and responsibility of the Board to replenish the reserves when it becomes necessary and the leadership of the current Board has not shown any inclination to do so.
If we need to raise the monthly assessment or have a one-time special assessment or soem combination of the two to do so, then that is clearly what needs to happen. The comment that was made by one of Diversified's staff was that it looked like Mr. Fernandez was going to drain it dry and then quit. Again, I thought that was a personal opinion, but now I'm not so sure.
As I mentioned earlier, I could write reams of criticisms about the current HOA Board of Directors, but for now, I'm afraid I'm just going to deal myself out of the running to become a Board member. By the way, as of last week, only 3 owners have expressed an interest in remaining or becoming Board members.